Monday, September 30, 2013


Welcome to the PYP at the School at St. George Place!  If you don't know by now, we are a candidate school and are working our way towards authorization.  In fact, we just submitted our application for authorization on Friday!  We are so excited and are enthusiastically waiting for the verification visit in the spring.  Hopefully, teachers and parents will find this blog full of useful information regarding the implementation of the programme at S@SGP.  As part of the programme, we will focus each month on a specific attribute of the LEARNER PROFILE.  During September, we focused on being INQUIRERS.  Inquirers develop their natural curiosity, are independent learners, acquire skills necessary for inquiry and research, and actively enjoy learning.  During October, we will focus on being THINKERS.  Thinkers exercise initiative in applying thinking skills, approach complex problems critically and with creativity, and make reasoned and ethical decisions.  We are wrapping up our first unit of inquiry this week!  Students will be taking summatives and reflecting on the learner profile and their learning during this unit.  All reflections and summatives will become part of the student's portfolio of work for their time here at S@SGP.  We look forward to sharing all portfolios with parents at student led conferences.  At the start of each unit of inquiry, the IB@Home newsletter is sent home to parents to introduce the upcoming unit. Parents-please take some time to speak with your children regarding the at home questions.  The newsletters for the first unit of inquiry are posted at the links below:



1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade