Friday, November 15, 2013

Did someone say mother tongue?-The "Kindle Project"

One of the greatest things about S@SGP is the diversity of our student population.  We have over 30 mother tongues represented.  So, we began to can we get books in mother tongues into our classrooms in a way that is quick, accessible, and cost effective?  The result of this question is the "Kindle Project".  We decided to purchase classroom Kindles and load them with as many mother tongue e-books as we could find.  Mr. Stephens, our principal, thought of this innovative solution and quickly started talking to our PTO about financing the project.  Thanks to the generous donation of a PTO sponsored Amazon gift card, we were able to purchase a Kindle for each classroom and load them with tons of mother tongue books.  What a great addition to any classroom library!  Does anyone want to curl up and read an e-book in Arabic?